Our Network

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The West Midlands Imaging Network (WMIN) is a membership organisation, whose purpose is to oversee delivery of the recommendations of the National Imaging Strategy, adapted to meet the requirements of West Midlands service users.

This is achieved by working collaboratively with member organisations, supported by a programme team working to maximise the benefits and impact for patients, staff, and services.

The Network is about harmonisation, coordination and support. Our aim is to make the Network open and interactive, a place for honest discussion and collaborative agreement.

Networking allows for better value, better utilisation of capital equipment, faster turnaround times where required, and more opportunities for the workforce to undertake extended roles and advance their professional development.

Networking also helps to reduce variation in practice, enhance workforce opportunities, bring equity to patient access, and even out and reduce costs.

High-level key aims of the programme are to improve service resilience, reduce duplication and use economies of scale to enable the latest technology to be purchased in order to develop imaging service provision. The Network will work to reduce variation in practice, enhance workforce opportunities, and bring equity to patient access.

Imaging plays a crucial role in the diagnosis, staging and management of a variety of conditions using a range of ionising and non-ionising radiation modalities. Investigations touch every part of the patient pathway and is a key enabler for effective care.

The West Midlands Imaging Network is part of the national programme for improvement and development of clinical imaging services. Its intention is to improve access to imaging services, reduce turnaround time and make better use of staff skills and time