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The West Midlands Imaging Network (WMIN) is progressing an ambitious regional diagnostic image and imaging related information sharing between the 15 participating NHS Trusts.

The WMIN Digital programme has set out to address the objectives defined in the following diagram:

The WMIN digital plan is to deliver to these objectives with national digital assets wherever possible, particularly with the National Imaging Register (NIR). Some convergence around PACS and RIS is planned, but it is not expected to be able to bring all 15 Trusts in the WMIN to the same product set, within the next decade. Therefore, an interoperable strategy is the only option, with some tactical convergence to “simplify and integrate”.

Strategic reset

Recently, an Outline Business Case (OBC) was produced to consider the viability of procuring a Vendor Neutral Index (VNI) for image and report sharing, and an Orchestration Layer for cross site reporting and scheduling. The OBC was completed and taken through the governance process, including the Trust, ICB and WMIN Boards. The outcome from this has been very clearly that the strategic ambition is well supported but that the revenue costs cannot be met. The OBC is therefore not progressing, and we have re-assessed our priorities, plan and strategy.

National Imaging Register (NIR) at the heart of WMIN Digital

Building on the digital assets of the National Record Locator (NRL), an image sharing platform called the NIR (National Imaging Register) is due to be piloted shortly. The WMIN is actively interested in supporting this product as an ideal interoperable solution for image sharing and report sharing.


The revised strategy re-prioritises our ambitions and aligns more with national digital programmes and the deployment of national digital assets. The agreed priorities for WMIN now are now:

Immediate focus

Priority 1.    Cross-site Business Intelligence (providing base data for cross-site reporting and cross-site, patient-led scheduling, as well as DID, TAT etc).

Primary sharing requirement

Priority 2.    Image sharing – with NIR

Priority 3.    Image-related data sharing (including Reports) – with NIR

Tactical Assist to priorities 2 & 3 – PACS/RIS Convergence funding

Funding to assist Trusts replacing PACS and RIS systems with WMIN converged PACS/RIS. Because of the diverse range of contractual commitments across the 15 Trusts and 6 ICBs of the West Midlands, moving all Trusts to a single converged PACS/RIS would take over a decade, if its feasible at all. However, as Trusts replace systems, they will be encouraged to migrate to the same solution, facilitated and procured by WMIN. A Project Group has been established to oversee this – contact  WMIN email for details.

·       RIS Convergence (for as many of the 15 Trusts as is practicable) (Note that cross-site reporting and cross-site scheduling are a later priority).

·       PACS Convergence (for as many of the 15 Trusts as is practicable).

To be resolved in parallel

Priority 4.    Multi/Cross site AI

–       Trust based AI to continue throughout (AIDF bid in place)

A focus group has been set up for this – contact  WMIN email for details.

Priority 5.    Shared Care Record (ShCR)

–       Expected to be delivered through NIR providing data to ShCR, along with priority 3.

Priority 6.    Research

–       Expected to be delivered through NIR providing data to SDE/TRE, along with priority 3.

Priority 7.    Training

  • Expected to be delivered through NIR providing data to SDE/TRE, along with priority 3.

To be resolved later

Priority 8.    Cross site reporting

This may become feasible with a later release of the NIR, WMIN RIS Convergence, or a WMIN Orchestration procurement at a later date.

Priority 9.    Cross site scheduling

This may become feasible with a later release of the NIR, WMIN RIS Convergence, or a WMIN Orchestration procurement at a later date.

Priority 10. Future Ologies

Sharing Images and reports from other “ologies”, beyond Radiology (eg Cardiology, Pathology, Medical photography), is a long term objective of WMIN. It may become possible with the NIR.

Emerging priorities

The following two priorities have been surfaced as part of the strategic work to date and may be given higher priorities later.

Priority 11. Image and report sharing with Independent Healthcare Providers.

Following approval at the WMIN Executive Board, this is under discussion with the NIR and the IHPN (Independent Health Provide Network)

Priority 12. Image and report sharing with Wales

 This is under discussion with the NIR

This is an exciting time for multi site digital imaging collaboration, and the WMIN Digital teams across the 15 Trusts of WMIN are well placed to deliver materially improved patient experience, reduced patient risk, as well as clinical and operational efficiencies.

By being clear on the long term strategy and focussing on the priorities that are deliverable now, we are looking forward to making significant progress over the coming months and years.

Terms of Reference

Marius Grima
WMIN Digital radiologist Lead   DCIO, Radiologist & Paediatric Imaging Lead at University Hospitals North Midlands NHS Trust