An update from the WMIN Digital Transformation Director, Steve Halliday

An update from the WMIN Digital Transformation Director, Steve Halliday image

Home » An update from the WMIN Digital Transformation Director, Steve Halliday


The digital workstream for the WMIN is progressing well, with the Outline Business Case completing soon and to be made available to NHS stakeholders for approval and refinement.

Digital suppliers offering suitable solutions in the market have been engaging well, and this is to be brought together at a supplier day scheduled for 14thMarch. At this event, the WMIN team will present the requirements and current thinking for the digital requirements of the network, and invite suppliers to raise any questions they may have. The digital solution is required to deliver, across the 15 Acute Trusts of the WMIN, the ability to:

•       Access to images and reports from other Trusts in near real time.

•       Schedule scans between Trusts.

•       Share reporting between Trusts. 

•       Gather data for research and Training.

•       Produce multi trust BI Dashboards.

More information on the supplier day for vendors is here.