Managing the Interests of our Members

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Declarations of Interest
To ensure we are open and transparent with our members and the public we endeavour to uphold our host organisations values:
Accountability – everything done by those who work in the NHS must be able to stand the test of parliamentary scrutiny, public judgements on propriety and professional codes of conduct
Probity – there should be an absolute standard of honesty in dealing with the assets of the NHS. Integrity should be the hallmark of all personal conduct in decisions affecting patients, staff, and suppliers, and in the use of information acquired in the course of NHS duties.
Openness – there should be sufficient transparency about NHS activities to promote confidence between the NHS organisation and its staff, patients, and the public.
We ensure all our senior leaders and board members declare any interests of which the Network keeps a register. We also encourage our members to challenge any perceived conflict in an open and unthreatening way so that we can effectively manage them. To ensure transparency this register is made available to the Boards on a bi-annual basis, or where new interests have been declared. Members will be asked to consider what, if any, actions should be taken in response maintaining a clear audit trail. The register is also available on request to members of the public.
We are keen to collaborate with suppliers and the independent sector particularly where there are clear benefits to the Network, our members and our patients. Fair and open competition between prospective contractors or suppliers for NHS contracts is a requirement of the NHS Standing Orders
We will follow the same principles for each sponsor in that:
- No information should be provided to sponsors that could allow them to gain a commercial advantage; generally, only information available in the public domain is supplied.
- The sponsor’s part in any event should be clearly identified.
- Staff should make it clear that sponsorship does not equate to endorsement of the company or its products and this should be clearly displayed on any promotional material for the event
The Network will endeavour to ensure in applying these principles, we do not stifle the collaboration and innovation that the NHS needs. All sponsorship opportunities will be assessed in a fair and equitable way. We will take into account the type of company when determining sponsored events, maximising the benefits to both the members and the suppliers. This may mean targeting certain providers. This will again be done on an open and transparent basis.
Why Work With Us?
The West Midlands Imaging Network is the largest Network, undertaking 11% of all imaging activity within England. This means we also have the biggest number of members, with all staff working in our 15 trusts and 6 ICBs having the opportunity to contribute to our work programmes and reap the benefits from working as a collaborative.
This affords us a unique position of working close to decision makers who are leading the transformation of imaging services – both representing and influencing their views as well as supporting their work.
Our special interest groups meet as a hybrid of virtual and face-to-face forums, and we aim to host more learning and network events in the future.
By contributing to these events, there will be opportunities to:
- introduce you to new members of staff
- keep abreast of developments in the West Midlands Imaging Network
- be aware of your customers’ objectives and wider environment
- gain access to the valuable information we put out to NHS trusts to help you shape your offer
We welcome any potential sponsors to get in touch to discuss any upcoming opportunities or to be added to our contact list for future events. Please contact us at:
Sponsors of our events include