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Network Publications
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National Bodies and Reviews
Over the past few years radiology services have been transformed following several national publications.
NHS Long Term Plan (January 2019)
A commitment was made to develop imaging networks:
By 2023, diagnostic imaging networks will enable the rapid transfer of clinical images from care settings close to the patient to the relevant specialist clinician to interpret. This open standards-based infrastructure will enable both the rapid adoption of new assistive technologies to support improved and timely image reporting, as well as the development of large clinical data banks to fuel research and innovation.

Diagnostics: Recovery and Renewal – Report of the Independent Review of Diagnostic Services for NHS England (October 2020)
Recommendations from this report included the establishment of Community Diagnostic Centres, the expansion of CT scanning capacity by 100% over 5 years, and the investment in growing the workforce
Getting It Right First Time: Radiology National Specialty Report (November 2020)
GIRFT’s Radiology National Report makes 20 recommendations following the review of more than 140 radiology units across England. These are to help maximise existing capacity and plan for expansion with the creation of community diagnostic centres, away from hospitals.
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman – Unlocking Solutions in Imaging: working together to learn from failings in the NHS (July 2021)
In this report, the PHSO analysed findings from 25 complaints where there were failings linked
to imaging and other services relating to the content, communication and follow up of radiological reporting.

NHS England – Transforming imaging services in England
These documents provide guidance to NHS providers of diagnostic imaging services as they begin the process of forming imaging networks to deliver the NHS Long Term Plan commitment by 2023 and aid the restoration of services.
Transforming imaging services in England: a national strategy for imaging networks (November 2019)
Diagnostic imaging network implementation guide (April 2021)
Diagnostic imaging network commercial structure and operational governance guide (April 2021)
Diagnostic imaging network capital equipment planning guide (April 2021)
Diagnostic imaging network workforce guidance (April 2022)

NHS Long Term Workforce Plan (June 2023)
In the report:
We set out a strategic direction for the long term, as well as concrete and pragmatic action to be taken locally, regionally and nationally in the short to medium term to address current workforce challenges.
NHS England – Diagnostic imaging reporting turnaround times (August 2023)
The guidance seeks to reflect and codify existing best practice in reporting TATs, and while they are new, the TATs should not be unfamiliar or unachievable.
NHSE Workspace links:
NHS England – National Diagnostics Transformation Programme: National Diagnostics Transformation Programme – FutureNHS Collaboration Platform
Midlands Diagnostic Team: Midlands Diagnostics Workspace – FutureNHS Collaboration Platform
Professional Body’s Policies and Guidance
Society and College of Radiographers – Policy and Guidance Document Library: Policy and Guidance Document Library | SoR

Royal College of Radiologists – Clinical Radiology Publications and Standards: Publications and standards | RCR, Guidelines: Guidelines | RCR

British Medical Ultrasound Society – Professional and Clinical Guidance: Professional and Clinical Guidance | BMUS

Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine – Resources: Resources | IPEM

British Nuclear Medicine Society – Guidelines: Guidelines – British Nuclear Medicine Society | BNMS