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Network Publications

WMIN Annual Report 2022/23

WMIN’s Annual Report providing stakeholders with updates on Network activities and achievements during 2022-23 financial year.

WMIN Communications Strategy

The West Midlands Imaging Network’s (WMIN) first Communications Strategy outlines why communication is the most valuable tool as a Network and how this will be developed and delivered across the region to build and foster relationships across the board

WMIN Network Strategy

High level key aims of the Network are to improve service resilience, reduce duplication and use economies of scale to enable the procurement of the latest technologies which will develop imaging service provision. The Network will work to reduce variation in practice, enhance workforce opportunities and bring equity to patient access.

WMIN Workforce Strategy

The strategy sets out our vision, mission and key objectives and priorities which are crucial to ensuring a sustainable diagnostic workforce and long-term future growth of imaging services in the West Midlands’ region.

National Publications

Unlocking Solutions in Imaging: working together to learn from the failings in the NHS (PHSO)

This document provides clear and consistent guidelines that recommend timely reporting of investigations, how to learn from mistakes and share best practice

NHS Long Term Plan (2019)


The NHS Long Term Plan (2019) illustrates how the NHS is committed to establishing Imaging Networks across England by 2023.

National Suspected Cauda Equina Syndrome Pathway

The National Suspected Cauda Equina Pathway is a standardized approach for the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients who present with suspected Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES).

The pathway provides clear guidance to healthcare professionals on the appropriate steps to take when a patient presents with suspected CES.

The pathway also includes a standardized set of investigations and treatments that should be initiated promptly.