Holly Warriner

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Holly Warriner joined the WMIN in January 2023 as a Senior Quality Improvement Manager. She is tasked with obtaining the Quality Standard for Imaging accreditation for the network. Holly will also be supporting the NHS trusts across the network with their own QSI journeys. 

Holly is a registered radiographer, and prior to joining, she worked as a specialist inspector for the Care Quality Commission for 7 years. This involved carrying out inspections of radiology departments across the country. Through this, Holly has had the opportunity to develop relationships with a wide range of stakeholders across the radiology world. Alongside the unique insight into good practice through her CQC inspections, she will bring together expertise across the region to support the Network’s delivery of a high quality, safe, effective and consistent services.  

For more information on Holly, and to get in touch with her about the programmes, please email her at:  Holly.warriner@nhs.net  

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