Nisha Sungum

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Nisha joined the network in 2022 and works as the Head of Operational Delivery. After graduating from King’s College London with a BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy, she worked as a Physiotherapist in London and Essex, and after 8 years, became a chronic pain specialist. Throughout her clinical career, she maintained a keen interest in clinical research and research management. In 2015 she led a division-wide change by founding a successful research department for Central Essex Community Services.

In 2017, Nisha moved back to her roots in Birmingham and took a post at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust as the Research and Development Manager. Shortly afterwards, she was appointed Centre Manager for the multi-region Midlands and Wales Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre. This role involved working with a consortium of 20 partners; HEIs, Industry partners and 10 NHS hospitals including UHB, Bristol, Cardiff, Oxford, Cambridge and Southampton. During this period, the size of her portfolio greatly increased and she additionally supported to drive many of the various Trusts’ strategic vision to adopt novel cell and gene therapies as the standard of care.

Nisha has completed an MSc in Healthcare Leadership at the University of Birmingham for which she has been awarded a Distinction. Her dissertation on system leadership will support shaping some of the delivery methods and ways of working.”