Workstreams and Special Interest Groups

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This demonstrates the spectrum of work the Network encompasses, where users are at the centre of the diagram.
This allows for stakeholders and service users to clearly understand the mandate of the Network, delivering strategically focused, stakeholder-led working groups.
The diagram been developed in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders and were agreed, discussed, and prioritised at various stakeholder events and collaboration.
Priorities have also been informed by wider intelligence, through discussion with the existing Network Board and relevant expert partners. The Network will activate appropriate working SIGs with deliverables as they are prioritised.
Membership and purpose:
- Specialists and experts in their field representing as many trusts as can be sourced
- Will form as issues arise and become dormant once their work is complete
- Their goal will be to provide a network consensus view of their work:
- May be harmonization of pathways (e.g. MRI protocols)
- May be formal recognition of pathways of care (such as paediatric imaging)
- May be a view of where we are as a region and what needs to develop or change to deliver a high-quality service