Medical Physics

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The Medical Physics Special Interest Group (MPSIG) forum allows Medical Physics centres within the NHS England West Midlands region to:
- Discuss issues related to the delivery of Diagnostic Imaging on a regional basis
- Provide information and advice as appropriate to the West Midlands Imaging Network Board
- Identify risks and concerns relating to the delivery of Diagnostic Imaging and escalate them to the operational board
- Receive updates and information from the operational board and other relevant committees
- Promote collaboration between the member centres on the provision of Medical Physics services and the sharing of relevant information
The group has created an initial workplan and are focussed on the delivery of the following items:
1. Review of and planning for the Imaging Physics workforce
2. Training of the Medical Physics workforce: Scientists, Technologists and Assistants
3. Provision of training to Radiologists, Radiographers and other staff groups
4. The procurement, quality assurance and optimisation of Imaging equipment within the West Midlands region
5. A yearly Regional Scientific Meeting
6. Adverse events and alerts related to imaging equipment.