Publication of our Current Operating Model

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As the Network and our workstreams develop, there is a need to explore the current landscape of services across the region. By defining the baseline, we will have a greater understanding of how to target resources and enables the development of a target operating model.

A review of available data, as well as meeting with members from across the Network has assisted us in developing the ‘current operating model’ which has now been published on our website.

The next steps are to develop our target operating model. We will look to co-produce this with the members of our special interest groups using data, surveys and by engaging with people from across the Network. These will be published as a series as they are released for each group on an ongoing basis. These can be found on our website: Current and Target Operating Model

For more information on the role of these models and how they may be developed, Holly Warriner has saved a recording of her presentation given at the recent National Conference for Radiology Managers.