Tim Cooper

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Tim Cooper

The West Midlands Network Executive Board is led by an independent Chair, Tim Cooper.

Tim Cooper is Chair of the West Midlands Imaging Network. He is also a member of the Quality Standards Advisory Committee for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Tim is an Associate with NHS Providers working on their 
non-executive director board development programme, leading on performance management and quality.

Tim has held a number of senior leadership roles in the healthcare sector including Head of Hospital Inspection for the Care Quality Commission (CQC), National Lead for Radiotherapy and Director of the Quality Review Service. His clinical professional background is a Therapeutic Radiographer.

He was awarded Fellowship of the College of Radiographers and also membership of the Royal College of Radiologists in 2014.

Tim is also a Trustee of the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund, making a positive difference to lives affected by cancer in Shropshire.

He graduated from the University of York with a master’s degree in Leading Innovation and Change

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